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Danielle Babineau


My name is Danielle and I am a certified Peruvian shamanic practitioner trained under shaman Pierre Garreaud and master healer Janice Johnson. I have also practiced as a massage therapist for the last 15 years and am very passionate about helping people release pain at the energetic and emotional root level. I believe healing occurs when we are addressed as a whole being body, mind, and spirit.


As energetic and emotional beings our bodies hold onto life’s experiences, traumas, and unprocessed emotions. The body then communicates to us through physical symptoms when something needs our attention. I have experienced that when we can slow down the mind and look within, we are able to truly listen and hear the messages our bodies are trying to communicate with us.


When our body feels heard and honored with compassion in our hearts we can address and release the emotional/energetic root cause to let go on a completely different level. My goal and purpose is to help people reconnect with their inner selves so they can listen to the messages within and see clearly what has been keeping them stuck. Inspiring them to illuminate the pathway of their own healing journey! My services include: Energetic Massage Energy Healing sessions Relaxation massage Groups and private meditations

Danielle works at Innzen Wellness on Tuesdays.

And in Acadiediville on Wednesdays and Thursdays



1590 Chemin St Ignace,

St-Ignace, NB E4X 2J8

T: 506.876.4704

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