At Innzen Wellness Center we strive to support and assist our clients with their personal and spiritual goals. For that reason, we offer a variety of services starting with healing sessions and meditations. Most of our clients are committed to these two services on a regular basis, yet there are other individuals who like to advance in many areas of their lives and for those deep seekers we offer an array of workshops, trainings, and deep transformational processes.
- Shamanic Apprenticeship and Certification
As a result of over 25 years of experience in the arts of spiritual development, Pierre Garreaud is offering new programs for the advance seeker. His spiritual adventures include many years of working with renowned and respected shamans in all native spiritual traditions available in Perú. Pierre started his shamanic explorations in the '90s with Maestro Don Agustin Rivas, followed by the Rain Forest Medicine of the Ashanica tradition. Later on, he continued learning the Q'ero medicine of the Inca Priests with Don Francisco Chura, Doña Julia Flores Farfán, and Don Martin Pinedo el Condor of Huasao. Since 2013 he team-up with the Twin Shamans, Doña Ysabel, and Doña Olinda to learn from them the Mesa Norteña. Pierre follows the teachings of Jesus Christ as he was born catholic, but it is through Self Realized Master Paramahansa Yogananda that he really understood the Mystical and Esoteric side of the Beloved Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Pierre received from the disciples of Yoganda the powerful initiation and technique of Kriya Yoga. His extended Spiritual and Shamanic training, as well as his personal experiences combined with his unique musical talents, have allowed Pierre to integrate these teachings into a body of work he called Ascending the Sacred Spiral.
Pierre had his spiritual awakening in 2003 where the Kundalini energies rosed and burned a lot of his life and past lives karma. His awakening was so strong and transformational that he had to let go of his old life to become a healer and shaman. Spirit guided him with many gifts and bestowing on him many different teachings that became the foundation for the many workshops he offers now.
"Healing is the 'insatiable want to seek help' to feel better in our Ego Self, Spiritual Awakening is freedom beyond healing."
"Ascending the Sacred Spiral" is a shamanic apprenticeship rooted in the process of spiritual awakening. We come to the Earth as humans to work on evolving as spiritual beings. There is no better place than the blue planet we call Earth to master spiritual evolvement. The Earth is the Life Theater where all sorts of Shakespearean dramas play. Unfortunately, they all end in tragedy, with all its characters dead or tragically wounded. It is important to "To be in the world, but not of the world" as Jesus said. It is only the ones who are awakened by the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit that finally achieve FREEDOM.
Achieving Freedom and the 3 BIG K's
Freedom is achieved once a person clears from the Aura and chakra system the 3 big K's: Past Life Karma, Ancestral Karma, and present Karma. Karma in general are deeds from the past (In Christianity sins) acting as filters or blockers that don't allow a person to experience a joyful and successful life. These filters interfere with how a person lives and sees their life. The natural endeavor of the soul is to seek happiness, so it is set on the quest of evolving by doing everything it can to remove these filters. At an energetic level, a subject is constantly creating hormonal reactions to daily triggers based on unresolved Karma or Trauma. We can summarize a formula path as follows: Trigger = Emotional reaction = glandular secretion = hormonal messages = Shift in the Light Body = Aura Broadcast to again create more and more triggers. As you see this is an endless "LOOP" that is created and needs intervention.
A regular healing session with a trained healer can help move some of this trauma and karma in 2 or three sessions, but in general, the 3 big K's interact within itself creating an intricate web that needs to be dismantled.
Ascending the Sacred Spiral is the process of dismantling the web of the 3 Karmas by engaging the information embedded in the energetic body to further achieve Freedom and Enlightenment. When the chakra system is fully cleared and Karma is released from the energetic body, a person finally achieves FREEDOM. To accomplish this task the trained healer has to safely activate the individual's Kundalini Fire. It is only through the process of awakening the inner fire of Kundalini that Karma is burned and as a result, the person finally stops broadcasting karmic signals to others. These signals usually are conveying other individuals to engage as bad teachers, predators, bullies, energy suckers, etc., pushing the client to finally evolve by taking action and become fully empowered.
The final goal of the Ascending the Sacred Spiral training is to evolve Spiritually to the point that one can move through life "Impeccably", leaving no trace, becoming invisible and invincible. Once karma is resolved in the Kundalini Fires and there is no more negative Aura broadcasting to the world so then and only the individual finally achieves FREEDOM. How can we define Freedom? Freedom is a state of mind that allows a person to be in the world but not engage in the drama of the world. There is nothing karmically unresolved as energies in the Light Body that will pull and attract other people into one's life to trigger an experience that needs to be resolved in order to learn a lesson. A person is FREE, at peace, joyful and happy. After this spiritual state is accomplished a person can continue into Self Realization and Enlightenment, but not before all karmic debt is burned by the Kundalini Fires.
Past Live Karma
When we are born we bring into our current life Karma and information from Past Lives that will play out for the sole purpose of accomplishing spiritual evolvement. As the karmic lessons are burned and lessons are learned the person evolves. These stories and information are embedded in all the different bodies of a human during the fetus's body temple creation. The Light Body/Aura and the chakra system is the interface that allows a trained healer to have access to this information which seeks resolution and completion.
Ancestral Karma and And Ancestral Spirits
Our body temple is created by our parents and inheritable has all the information, traits - good and bad -, karma, and dharma of the parent's lineages. This information = stories, traumas, bad habits, genetic illnesses, and more, live within the created body temple. Upon certain circumstances, triggers of this Ancestral Karma can be activated by visiting different world locations and people. This information is embedded in the DNA of the person and can be accessed through the interface of the chakra system and Light Body. Ancestral Karma and Ancestral Spirits act like curses on the person as the wrongdoings of the 2 lineages work against the client's happiness and success.
The inherited ancestral karma transferred to the person's body upon birth will always seek resolution and will keep playing out as a loop unless it is burned in the Kundalini Fires. In Christianity, it was Jesus, not John the Baptist who baptized the disciples in the flame of the Holy Spirit, meaning Jesus had the power to activate the Kundalini Fires and merged the Soul (female) with the Higher Self (Male) of the disciples resulting in connecting them to the Dine Network of Higher Knowledge and Higher Consciousness.
Ancestral Spirits are one of the hardest energy forms to be removed as they appear to work from a space that is not localized in the person's Energetic Body but has easy access through ancestral inherited openings in the chakra interface which results in controlling the individual. People cursed by these Ancestral Spirits are misdiagnosed as Bipolar or are characterized as having multiple personality syndrome in many cases.
Present Karma and Trauma
This segment is self-explanatory. In one's journey, people have in most cases the capacity to make right or wrong decisions, but in some cases, their capacity to make decisions in life is done by others against their will. Present karma is generated when an individual makes the wrong decision breaking social rules and hurts others. When other people disrespect an individual's boundaries as in the case of perpetrators, abusers, war the person is traumatized. Present Karma and Trauma also need to be cleared from one's life by burning it in the Kundalini Fires.
Ascending the Sacred Spiral is a shamanic and spiritual training offered in two different ways. One of them is personal and the time to complete the training depends on the individual's progress. The Second training is a 4-week program, one week at a time (Spring and Fall) offered in a period of 2 years. After the 2-year program students will be certified as having completed the training. Because everyone is different, there may be a need to supplement students with additional mentoring and healing sessions to assist the Kundalini rising fires and achieving Freedom.
During the training, students will learn to heal themselves assisted by the teacher and other colleagues by using the ATSS techniques taught during the workshops and personal training sessions.
Through the training as healing and awakening happens students will be ready to start helping in healing their clients.
Week 1 Program
This is a 7-day workshop, students will learn the ATSS techniques to activate the Kundalini Fire, which encompasses breathing techniques, hand activations, energy movements, working with the pendulum, Merkaba Star creation and activation: male and female star and 1st circle, working with Kuya Sacred Stones, Vedic use of purification with the Sacred Fire of Agnihotra, Working with the element of Fire, Eating the subtle energies of Fire with the belly Qosqo center, activating the Kundalini, kriya teachings, etc. During this week we concentrate on the first chakra, - first 7 years of existence -. By using the ATSS tools students will assist a client journey into finding past life information embedded in the 2 lower chakras that are relevant to their spiritual advancement. There will be profound deep healing through raising the Kundalini Fire. Sound Healing Tools: Learning to use rattles and drums. Removing fear. Kundalini maintenance diet
Week 2 Program
This is a 7-day workshop, students will continue working on the 2nd and 3rd chakras looking for relevant information that needs to be cleared. This week is crucial as we work removing blockages from past lives connected to the sexual and power centers. Archetypal work: predator and victim. In past lives, many people have either abused power or sex, in some cases, some were predators and other victims. Understanding this information is crucial to help release and clear karmic information that has localized physically in the client's body as illness. We will continue using tools learned from the first-week program to help to raise the Kundalini Fires. Use of ATSS techniques to work with Present Karma and Trauma, exhausting the energies of abuse and trauma. Working with the Merkaba Star: We add circles 2 and 3 to the Merkaba Star and sacred stones from the 1st chakra work. Sound Healing Tools: Learning to use crystal bowls, Tibetan Bowls, and Bells.
Connecting with the subconscious mind to help retrieve lost pieces back into our conscious mind. As with soul retrieval, there are aspects, pieces, energies from our 'Anima' or Spirit that fragments and are taken by predators, accidents, surgeries, and trauma in general. With the ATSS tools, we access directly the subconscious mind to help us retrieve important pieces of the Self in order to feel complete again. In the Mesa Norteña tradition, this process is called Susto Removal or Removal of Shock Damage
Week 3 Program
This is a 7-day workshop, students will work on Chakra number 4th, the Heart Center, and the 5th Chakra, the Throat Center. The Heart is the catalyst to Enlightenment. located as the center controller between the 3 lower chakras and the 3 upper chakras. Teachings revolve around forgiveness, self-love, self-forgiveness, self-acceptance. During this week we work with the Sacred Kuyas Forgiveness Circles, Infinity Heart technique to raise Kundalini, the Ancestral DNA Removal Technique, and the Ancestral Spirits Removal technique. We also use the ATSS techniques to work with Present Karma and Trauma. Sound Healing tools: we learn to use our voice for healing, other instruments: native American flutes. Merkaba Star: adding circles 4, 5, 6, and 7, and Sacred Stones for chakras 2 and 3.
Week 4 Program
This is a 7-day workshop, students will work on Chakras number 6 and 7th. Opening the Third Eye, raising the Kundalini to help the third eye become open and solid. Intuition, knowledge, and Wisdom. Ceremonies of the Holy Spirit, Kristos Magdalene Activations. Removal of the Seals: wounds at the Soul Level done through ritualistic death in prior incarnations, removal of slavery-branding archetypes. Sound Healing tools: We learn how to use toning with our voice, mantras, and Icaros: native Peruvian chants to call multidimensional Light Beings to aid in the Healing. Freedom Celebration. Merkaba Star: We add Sacred Stones to complete our work to all the chakra circles. Working with the subconscious mind by giving it a voice, tapping into the Higher-Self the voice of eternal wisdom and knowledge.
Cost per week: $1,500 CAD